¿Con quién quieres jugar?




Un clásico de 1979 restaurado y renovado. Los jugadores deberán atrapar a los ladrones valiéndose únicamente de su oído. Es necesaria una app completamente gratuita para poder jugar.

An alert pops up on your smartphone: A crime has just been committed! Grab your investigator’s license and your keen powers of deduction and hunt down the suspect. But watch out, because you’re not the only private eye on the hunt, and only one of you can slap the cuffs on the suspect and claim the reward. Get enough reward money, and you can finally leave this rat race behind and retire to a sunny tropical beach in the Caribbean.

Stop Thief is a family game of logical deduction for 2-4 players (1-5 players with various play modes). An invisible suspect commits a crime. Only the sounds they make will give them away. Listen to the clues and figure out where they are hiding. Play cards from your unique deck to mover around the board, sneak through a window, or even get a private tip. Once you have the suspect pinned down, swoop in and make the arrest.


Stop Thief boardgame case contents these components:

  • 1 Game Board
  • 6 Investigator Meeples
  • 6 Investigator License Cards each with their own special abilities
  • 12 dastardly thief cards, each with a different effect on the game
  • 36 Movement Cards
  • 42 Money Cards

¿Con quién quieres jugar?

¿Con quién quieres jugar?

Un clásico de 1979 restaurado y renovado. Los jugadores deberán atrapar a los ladrones valiéndose únicamente de su oído. Es necesaria una app completament






¿Con quién quieres jugar?
¿Con quién quieres jugar?


El contenido original se encuentra en https://tiendajuegosdemesa.es/stop-thief-juego-tablero-familiar-restoration-games.html
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